Eve Holt

Strategic Director of GreaterSport & GM Moving
Member of GM VCFSE Leadership Group, and GM Networks Connect

Eve is Strategic Director at GreaterSport, (GM's Active Partnership) leading, supporting and connecting GM Moving as a movement for movement.  Eve provides Exec leadership across the active environments, active travel and equalities strands of GM Moving in Action, as GM's whole-system strategy for physical activity for 2021-31. Eve led on the development of the strategy with people and partners across GM.

Eve is a member of the VCSE Leadership Group and it's Inclusive Economy sub-group.  Eve works closely with TfGM and GMCA and is a member of the TfGM Active Travel Programme Board and the GMCA Five year Environment Group. She convenes the GM Walking & Cycling Coordination and Advisory Group and is currently leading on a new Safer Streets initiative with Trafford Council and local partners addressing VAWG on streets and public spaces as a barrier to active lives.

Eve is also a Manchester Councillor and Manchester's Environment and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee and a former member of the GM Health Scrutiny Committee. Eve is a system coach and facilitator and was previously a public law and human rights solicitor for 15 years specialising in health, mental health, social care and education cases. Eve is a trustee/NED/governor for a number of GM charities, organisations and schools.

Membership type
Sport and Physical Activity
Working Groups
Population Health
Inclusive Economy
GM Green City Partnership Board

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