This paper by the Alliance for Racial Justice includes recommendations on strengthening the ability to challenge and end institutional racism.
The Alliance for Racial Justice is a collaborative network of organisations working across systems to eliminate racial inequality in England. We seek to provide a strong, strategic voice and hold the government and public bodies to account on their legal duty to tackle racism and encourage these bodies to become antiracist.
In April 2024, the Alliance for Racial Justice held a two-part roundtable series with members of the Alliance and experts in the field to determine why progress has slowed, whether stronger legislation is needed to tackle institutional racism, and how we as voluntary and community organisations can provide an effective voice, evidence, and action to achieve our vision.
This paper draws on the knowledge exchanged at these roundtable events to form recommendations on strengthening the ability to challenge and end institutional racism.
The Alliance for Racial Justice calls on the new Government to urgently consider and implement the recommendations set out in this paper.