NHS GM Integrated Care Board Outlines Plans for Supporting VCSE Sector Sustainability
In November's Integrated Care Board (ICB) meeting, support for the work of the VCSE sector was outlined and approved. The ICB is a statutory body that is responsible for planning and funding most of the NHS services in Greater Manchester. The board confirmed its ongoing commitment to the VCSE Accord, ongoing support for commitments under the National Compact and support for three proposed actions within Greater Manchester.
The three actions are,
1. recognition of the factors affecting the provision of VCSE service to people in Greater Manchester
2. a review of the situation regarding contracts with VCSE organisations
3. development of the approach to commissioning and contracting between NHS GM and the VCSE
Proposals for how to develop the approach to commissioning and contracting include an assessment of whether a Fair Funding Protocol, as implement by the GMCA, would work for NHS GM; work to develop a framework to reduce transactions; and to develop business rules that incorporate and align with the VCSE Accord.
More detail and background can be found in the paper, drafed by Leigh Vallance, CEO Bolton Hospice and Leadership Group member and Warren Heppolette, Executive lead for strategy and system development Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, that was presented to the board.