Have Your Say: Greater Manchester VCSE Manifesto
What are the priorities for your organisation and sector for the next five years and beyond? Do you want your voice added to a manifesto that will help set the political agenda for the VCSE sector? What challenges are your organisation facing that need to be heard? The Greater Manchester VCSE Leadership Group is creating a manifesto for the VSCE sector in the city region.
Share your thoughts on our draft manifesto and help shape the future of the VCSE sector. Use this link to view some existing ideas and tell us what needs to be included https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J3PBR2F. Closes 2 April.
If you know of anyone who would like to contribute, please share this survey with them.
The next draft of the manifesto will be shared in early April. To keep up to date with the latest developments sign up to our e-bulletin here https://database.vsnw.org.uk/VSCE-Leadership-GM and keep checking the news section on our website.
Next Event: Save the date Greater Manchester VCSE Metro Mayoral Hustings: 23 April 2024 10:30am-1:30pm – City Centre, Venue TBC