
GMCA Education, Work and Skills Flexible Procurement System

GMCA will be reopening its Education, Work and Skills Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for application on 12th December. The FPS has been created to allow for easier and quicker commissioning activity. This minimises the timescale for procurement activity, and reduces confusion and administration, whilst creating opportunities for a wider range of suppliers to bid for GMCA commissioned education, work and skills activity. The FPS is also used by Local Authorities within Greater Manchester to commission Apprenticeships and other relevant activity.

The tender submission date for this opening will be Monday 27th February 2023 at 12pm.

Following the evaluation and moderation of your applications, framework agreements will be issued by w/c 19th June 2023.GMCA welcome new applications, and reapplications from those organisations who have not previously been successful in joining the framework. They also welcome additional applications from those already on the FPS who would like to apply for further matrix sections, or who would like to update the locations they deliver in and the contract values they can deliver.GMCA has arranged a number of online events to help you apply to the FPS

Information event

Wednesday 14th December, 11am – 12.30pm

This event will provide some background into what the FPS is, and why becoming involved would be beneficial for your organisation. The FPS team will cover It is open to all who are interested in joining the FPS. This event will be particularly useful for organisations of all sizes who have not applied to join the framework previously.

Find out more and book your place here

Application Workshops

Monday 19th December & Wednesday 11th January, 11am – 12.30pm (note that both session are the same)

During this workshop, the FPS team will be going through the entire application process in detail. They will also be answering questions and providing information on how to sign up to drop-in sessions. This event is open to all who are interested in joining the FPS. The event will be of interest to new applicants, but those who are reapplying at this opening will find the advice offered useful.

Find out more and book your place at the December workshop here

Find out more and book your place at the January workshop here

Back to Basics Workshop Wednesday 18th January, 11am – 12.30pm

During this workshop, the team will be giving an overview of the FPS, and why your organisation should become involved. They will be explaining what the FPS is and how they use the framework. They will share top tips for your application and explaine some of the benefits to your organisation of applying for the FPS. This workshop will be open to everyone, but especially smaller organisations and those not experienced in bid writing.

Find out more and book your place here

December 9, 2022
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Commissioning & Investment
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Event Date
December 9, 2022
Commissioning & Investment
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