GM=EqAl Marks its Third Year of Operation
Greater Manchester Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) is a coalition of over 30 individuals drawn from a wide range of communities of experience and identity, and VCFSE organisations across Greater Manchester. The alliance serves to connect communities to policy makers, and vice versa, to assist with strategic equality and diversity work in Greater Manchester.
To mark the end of its third year of work, the alliance held an event to showcase and celebrate their successes. The event gave members the opportunity to share how the alliance has provided a platform through which they can give the communities they represent a voice, and to develop solutions to issues through dialogue with the people who can effect change. They also launched their latest evaluation report which gives an overview of development and activity from October 2022 to December 2023 which has covered wide range of themes such as age equality, criminal justice, disability, health and race equality to name just a few.
You can read the evaluation report here: https://www.gmcvo.org.uk/system/files/publications/GM%3DEqAl%20Evaluation%20Report%20Year%203.pdf.