How we work
We’re a coalition of VCFSE leaders from across Greater Manchester linked to the 10 boroughs, equalities networks, and the broad range of local VCFSE providers.
We coordinate our work through a distributed model of leadership.
Key statistics
A distributed model of leadership means decision-making is undertaken by both the leadership group and working groups, with the underpinning principle of complementing existing VCFSE networks and agencies.
We use this model as it allows greater adaptability, innovation, and empowerment among members. This means members are better positioned to be catalysts and connecters for the sector.
The GM VCFSE Leadership Group is well linked to other VCFSE leaders and representatives on key boards and steering groups of influence across Greater Manchester. Find out more about representatives here.
Supporting Organisations
The Leadership Group is supported by three organisations that provide officer support:
GMCVO work to drive economic and social inclusion in Greater Manchester through effective collaborations and supporting other organisations to achieve their goals.
10GM is a joint venture to support the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester.
Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW)
VSNW is a North West membership organisation that connects to the sector through infrastructure organisations, equalities networks and large regional and national providers.
Member Roles and Responsibilities
To find out more about the roles and responsibilities of Leadership Group members, you can see a template of our protocol document here:
Terms of Reference
If you would like to find out more about our Leadership Group governance, you can download our Terms of Reference here:
The GM VCFSE Accord Agreement
The GM VCFSE Accord Agreement is a key driver of our activity, and it outlines a shared vision for a ‘thriving VCSE sector in Greater Manchester’.
It is a three-way agreement between the Leadership Group, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Greater Manchester NHS Integrated Care System.
Find out all about the Accord here.
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